Studying the power of genetic algorithms for test suite prioritization
Ever wondered how to optimize the order of your test suite so that it quickly covers parts of your program under test? In one of my recent research papers (Conrad, Roos, and Kapfhammer 2010)
Our research introduces a genetic algorithm-based prioritizer that optimizes a population of test orderings by applying six mutation operators, seven approaches to individual crossover, and three methods for performing selection. Using the coverage effectiveness (CE) metric (Kapfhammer and Soffa 2007)
The empirical study reveals the unique role that the selection operator plays in constructing an effective ordering of a test suite. The results suggest that high selection intensity and selection elitism are both important for producing good test suite orderings. Furthermore, the genetic algorithm consistently produces results that are better than random search, suggesting that it may serve as the foundation for a powerful approach to test suite prioritization.
Our research opens up new avenues for future work. We intend to further investigate ways to improve the performance of the genetic algorithm, such as reducing fitness calculation time or implementing parallel genetic algorithms that reorder test suites. Interested in learning more about the power of genetic algorithms in test suite prioritization? Make sure to read (Conrad, Roos, and Kapfhammer 2010)
As we continue to explore the potential of genetic algorithms in software testing, your insights and suggestions are appreciated! If you have ideas or experiences related to this topic, please contact me. Or, if you want to stay informed about new developments and blog posts related to software testing and other topics, please consider subscribing to my mailing list.