Running experiments and performing data analysis using SchemaAnalyst and DOMINO
database testing
empirical study
mutation testing
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation – Artefacts Track
SchemaAnalyst is a tool, developed in the Java programming language, that automatically generates tests for complex, real-world relational database schemas. It features several data generators including DOMINO (DOMain-specific approach to INtegrity cOnstraint test data generation), Alternating Variable Method (AVM) , and Random+. SchemaAnalyst generates tests that support three database management systems (DBMSs): PostgreSQL, SQLite, and HyperSQL. It also provides a mutation testing tool to mutate (i.e., remove, add, or flip) the integrity constraints in the schema under test. This paper explains how to run test generation experiments and data analysis with SchemaAnalyst and its data analysis package written in the R language for statistical computation. It will help others to use SchemaAnalyst, replicate prior experiments, and conduct new studies of schema testing.Details
author = {Abdullah Alsharif and Gregory M. Kapfhammer and Phil McMinn},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Software
Testing, Verification and Validation -- Artefacts Track},title = {Running experiments and performing data analysis using SchemaAnalyst
and DOMINO},year = {2018}